How to Feng Shui Your Bedroom: Dos and Don’ts

Every room, including the bedroom, is suitable for feng shui. If you don’t know where to begin with the ancient Chinese practice of arranging objects, it’s best to start with the bedroom, a room where you spend a significant amount of time. Your bedroom should be a space for relaxation and restoration, not stress and endless scrolling.
Feng shui principles consider the bedroom the most important room in a home, as it is the first and last room you see each day. Creating a peaceful and balanced energy in this space can influence the tone of your entire day. With a few simple adjustments, you can bring harmony into your bedroom. Here are 15 feng shui tips for your bedroom and ways to avoid bringing negative energy into this sacred space.bedroom feng shui

Which direction is the best for the bed to face?

Set up your bed according to the commanding position principle. This means positioning your bed so that you can see the bedroom door from it without being in direct line with the door. A general guideline for bedroom feng shui is to place the bed at a diagonal from the door. If this is not feasible, use a mirror to see the door’s reflection from the bed.

What items are essential for good feng shui in your bedroom?

Transform your bedroom into a serene and harmonious sanctuary by following the principles of feng shui. Adopt a “less is more” approach to create a calming environment that promotes restful sleep and relaxation. Start with a comfortable bed with luxurious linens, a sturdy headboard, and a grounding rug.

Eliminate anything that is not essential, including clutter, electronics, and stray socks. With these simple changes, you can transform your bedroom into a peaceful and rejuvenating oasis that will enhance your well-being and quality of life.

Which way is the best to sleep?

According to feng shui principles, it is recommended that you sleep with your head facing south. However, the size and layout of your bedroom, including the position of windows and doors, will determine if this is feasible.

Orient Your Bed for Optimal Feng Shui

To establish good feng shui in your bedroom, start by positioning your bed properly, as you spend a significant amount of time there. Follow these guidelines for optimal bed and door placement:
Position your bed in a commanding location, meaning that you can see the door from the bed, but you are not directly in line with it. Avoid having any doors open directly in line with the bed, and steer clear of the “coffin position” where your feet point towards the door.
Place the headboard against a solid wall and try to avoid situating the bed under a window whenever possible.Orient Your Bed for Optimal Feng Shui

Get a Headboard

In feng shui, a headboard symbolizes stability and support in your life, particularly in your romantic relationships. The most effective headboards are dense and free of holes. Choose rounded edges when feasible and make sure your headboard is firmly secured so you can physically sense its support and stability.Get a Headboard

Declutter Underneath Your Bed

If your home lacks storage space, you might want to put away out-of-season clothes and old college textbooks under your bed. However, this is not a good feng shui practice.

If possible, clear the space under your bed completely. This will allow the qi (life force energy) to flow freely and evenly around the energy fields of your bed as you sleep, rejuvenating you overnight.

If you can’t keep the area completely clutter-free, be mindful of what you store under there. Love letters from your ex and shoes are not good choices, as they can subconsciously disrupt your rest. The same applies to luggage—keeping your carry-on under your bed creates a feeling of being on the go, rather than feeling at home.

It’s better to store soft, sleep-related items such as linens, blankets, and pillows. You can also keep a few books as long as they have positive titles and content. Save the war novels and sad memoirs for another room.Declutter Underneath Your Bed

Cut Down on Electronics in the Bedroom

Having televisions, computers, and cell phones in your bedroom is not recommended in feng shui. These devices emit large amounts of electric and magnetic fields, which could disrupt your immune system and sleep.
It’s best to remove electronics from your bedroom whenever you can. Try keeping your phone in another room, using a traditional alarm clock, and reading a book instead of scrolling on your phone before bed to relax.

Establish Symmetry

For balanced energy in your bedroom, aim for aesthetic balance in your space. Try to have the same amount of space on either side of the bed, if you can. This will leave room for two nightstands and table lamps, creating pleasing symmetry. The nightstands don’t have to match, but they should complement each other and create balance. This symbolically helps to create equal space for two partners, promoting more harmony in the relationship.Establish Symmetry

Use Feng Shui-Friendly Colors

The most suitable feng shui bedroom colors are calming, neutral tones that do not overstimulate your energy while you sleep. Consider using beiges, creams, or earthy hues to promote relaxation. If you seek rejuvenation and vitality, consider cool blues and pale greens.
For small pops of color, incorporate partnership-associated accessories such as pinks, reds, and whites. These splashes of color can be introduced through candles, crystals, artwork, or bed sheets.
Regardless of the colors you select, make sure they resonate with you. Choosing colors that you love will help establish a sacred and soothing space conducive to restful sleep.Use Feng Shui-Friendly Colors

Be Selective About Art

The art in your bedroom can communicate a lot about your personal life and impact your emotions.
To enhance love and romance in your bedroom using feng shui, relocate family photos to other areas of the house. If you’re single and seeking a relationship, avoid displaying images of single individuals or objects. Instead, opt for artwork featuring couples or pairs of items.

Take the Books Outside

If you love books, it’s time to relocate your entire collection except the one you’re currently reading to a new home outside your bedroom. Books have active energy that stimulates the mind, but tall bookshelves can give off constrictive energy. For a more restful night’s sleep, try moving the books and bookshelf out of the space.

Avoid using your home gym in your bedroom.

Exercise equipment is very energizing, which is not conducive to winding down for sleep. It’s best to keep workout gear in a different area of your home to create a more relaxing environment in the bedroom.

Maintain a distinct work-life balance.

Just like home workout equipment, the bedroom is also not the ideal place for a home office. Having your desk and work materials right next to your bed can make it difficult to switch off your work mindset in the evening and can also hinder your focus during the day.
If you don’t have space elsewhere in your home for a dedicated office, try to create some separation between your bed and workspace within the bedroom. You can hang a curtain or set up a folding screen to designate each space for its specific activities.
If that’s not possible, you can cover your desk with a beautiful piece of cloth at the end of each day to create some visual separation.

Consider Bed Size

If your space and budget allow, consider investing in the largest bed that your bedroom can accommodate. Any bed smaller than a full-sized one will not allow chi to circulate smoothly. Additionally, if you hope to invite a partner into your life, you’ll want to ensure there is enough space for both of you.
However, it’s possible to have a bed that is too big. King-sized beds typically require a box spring that comes in two separate pieces, disrupting the connection and harmony between partners. Look for a bed that doesn’t need a split box spring or consider a platform bed.Consider Bed Size

Incorporate Bright Green Plants—But Not Too Many

Opinions among feng shui experts vary regarding the placement of plants in the bedroom. Some view live green plants as beneficial for bedroom feng shui, as they contribute lively energy to the space. However, other experts suggest that the presence of too much energy from plants may hinder restful sleep.
If you support the idea of having plants in the bedroom, they are believed to attract rejuvenating energy and foster growth in various aspects of your life. When choosing a plant for your bedroom, take into account the lighting, temperature, and humidity, and select a plant that can thrive under your bedroom’s specific conditions.
If you’re not particularly skilled with plants, consider caring for a low-maintenance variety such as pothos, to ensure that any greenery in your bedroom stays healthy even if you occasionally forget to water it.

Choose Bed Linens Intentionally

Getting enough sleep may seem elusive, but you do spend a significant amount of time resting and (hopefully) sleeping in your bed. Therefore, it’s important to think about your surroundings and what you sleep on during this valuable time.
Select the color of your bed linens based on what you want to attract into your life. Calming neutrals are a solid option as they encourage relaxation.

Bring in some new flowers

Fresh-cut flowers are a delightful addition to any bedroom, providing a touch of luxury and beauty exclusively for your enjoyment. Opt for blooms that appeal to you, or consider their symbolic meanings. It’s important to keep the water fresh and remove the flowers once they have wilted to uphold positive feng shui.Bring in some new flowers

Make Feng Shui Your Bedroom Neat

Transform your bedroom into a serene sanctuary by regularly tidying up and incorporating sweet orange oil. Elevate the energy and feng shui of your space with this simple yet powerful trick.

Feng Shui Don'ts for Bedrooms

The bedroom offers many opportunities to promote good feng shui, but several aspects are considered bad feng shui.

Avoid placing your bed to face a mirror, as the reflection could disturb your sleep. Also, refrain from positioning your headboard against a wall with a toilet on the other side, as it could lead to a loss of good fortune.

If your bedroom connects to a primary bathroom, avoid aligning your bed directly with the bathroom door.

Additionally, avoid situating your bed under low beams, soffits, or sloped ceilings, as this may create pressure.

Refrain from incorporating water fountains, water features, or images of water in the bedroom, as they could wash away good fortune and love.

While these water elements can promote good feng shui in the home, they should be kept outside of the bedroom due to their strong energetic yang energy.

Ensure that your bed is not pushed up against a wall, and position it so that there is available space on three sides (left, right, and foot) to prevent trapped energy.

Lastly, avoid hanging a chandelier over your bed, as it can cause harsh light and feelings of unease during the night.

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