How to Use Plants in Feng Shui Solutions

Using plants as feng shui solutions for your home is a simple yet powerful way to enhance your home’s wellness. They can attract energies like healing, growth, and kindness into your life.

Feng shui adjustments don’t have to be overly complex. There are misconceptions that more complicated things are somehow better or more effective. Consider the concept of the butterfly effect, where one small flap of a wing can create a huge impact: even the tiniest shift can make a huge difference.

Plants Invite Life Energy

Did you know that there’s an invisible force called Qi that sustains life and exists around us? Feng shui is a practice that can help enhance the flow of this life energy in our surroundings and homes. By strategically placing plants, you can boost the positive Qi in your environment and improve your overall well-being. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to create a more harmonious and balanced living space. Start incorporating plants into your home decor today.Plants Invite Life Energy

Plants and Wood Element

Incorporating green plants into your home can change the course of your life. These plants embody the wood energy, one of the five elements in feng shui philosophy. Wood energy is known to promote life, growth, restoration, flexibility, kindness, family harmony, and new beginnings.

Caring for plants in your home can help you develop a deeper connection with nature and the people around you. These plants need the same essentials as humans to flourish: sunlight, air, water, and nourishment. If you neglect them, they will wither, just like humans. This shows that incorporating plants into your living space can bring kindness and new beginnings into your life.

Beyond this, the wood element also educates us about the remarkable generosity of nature. Nature provides far beyond what we need, with trees and plants bearing fruit and creating seeds that can benefit many. Even a small house plant can thrive and produce many cuttings that can be shared with others. By sharing with joy and true generosity, we can embody the same qualities of nature and the plants we care for.

Best Plants for Feng Shui

Consider the following guidelines when choosing the best plants for a home feng shui adjustment:

  • Ensure the plant’s light requirements align with the available light.
  • Be realistic about the care demands of the chosen plant.
  • Ideally, acquire a new plant for feng shui purposes to invite in new energy.
  • Opt for a healthy plant that suits the space.
  • Choose a plant with soft, rounded leaves over pointy or thorny ones.

Keep in mind that not every plant in your home serves as a feng shui adjustment, but vibrant green plants contribute to more life energy in your space. Ailing or neglected plants are not recommended for feng shui.

Plant Feng Shui Solutions

Here are a few ways to arrange plants in your home to make feng shui adjustments.


Plants generate healing energy. Put nine new green plants in different areas of your home, including the entryway, bedroom, and living room. You can link them energetically by using matching pots or by using only one type of house plant.

Harmony for Family

Place a new living green plant in the Zhen position of your home to activate the Zhen / Family area of the Bagua map.

Cultivate Prosperity

The Xun area of Bagua is associated with wealth, abundance, and prosperity. Adding a new green plant to the Xun position in your home can promote growth and new beginnings for your prosperity.

Ignite Inspiration

Did you know that adding a new living green plant to your home can infuse more inspiration and passion into any area of your life? It’s true! The Li/Fame position of your home can be activated by introducing a wood element into your space. By doing this, you’ll ignite the fire you seek and fuel your passion for life. Don’t wait any longer to take this simple step towards a more vibrant and inspired life. Add a living green plant to your home today.

Balancing Bathrooms

Having a live green plant in a bathroom can assist in restoring the water energy that is diminished by the plumbing. A plant converts the downward water energy into revitalizing life qi.


In conclusion, incorporating plants into your living or working space can significantly enhance the implementation of Feng Shui principles. By carefully selecting and positioning plants according to the principles of balance and energy flow, you can improve the overall harmony and positive energy in your environment. Whether it’s through the use of air-purifying plants, vibrant flowers, or lush greenery, integrating plants into your Feng Shui solutions can bring a sense of tranquility and vitality to your surroundings.

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